I'm Gay

I’M GAY-LIL B. Hip hop weighs in on homosexuality and homophobia.
Recently at the Coachella festival West Coat rapper Lil B told fans that he will be titling his upcoming album “I’M GAY”. This announcement has sparked a lot of controversy within hip hop, which is known to have very little acceptance of homosexuality, especially with regards to men. The young rapper explained the reason behind the title to MTV, saying “I’m very gay, but I love women. I’m not attracted to men in any way. I've never been attracted to a man in my life. But yes I am gay, I’m so happy. I’m a gay heterosexual male”.

The album title has led to Lil B receiving death threats and it has also sparked a discussion within hip hop, with many rappers weighing in on the controversy. One of hip hop’s most respected rapper’s Talib Kweli weighed in on the topic telling XXL “I don’t care if Lil B’s gay or not. It doesn’t change my life in any way, but for him to name his album “I’m Gay”, issues such a challenge to his fans. I’m not sure if it’s brilliant or not, but he did with that, in one fell scoop, was challenge every single bandwagon fan. Like are you really down with me or not. And as an artist, I have no choice but to respect that”.
Other rappers like Yung Berg and Soulja Boy credit Lil B for standing for what a lot of people are scared of. Hip hop lovers have also weighed in some saying “Lil B needs to change that title, that is not hip hop in anyway” and some saying this is a way of Lil B trying to come out of the closet and admit his gay.
I personally side with Talib Kweli this album title will surely reveal who are his true fans and who aren’t. With regards to Lil B trying to take the power out of the word ‘gay’ well... time will tell if he actually achieves it.
-Hip Hop

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