A key element about hip hop that sets it apart from any other culture/ industry of its kind is its _progression_.
[Biggie] was right when he said “you never thought that hip hop would take it this far”. Back in the 80s, hell even in the 90s we never thought hip hop would grow to the point where it could sit with investment titans like Warren Buffet and along with him reflect on success.
It used to break my heart when people would look at me as being childish or unrealistic when I’d share my aspiration of making it in hip hop well… that changed when I heard Jay-z say in track “My type a dreams seem dumb, they said wise up, how many guys aaaa you see making it from here, the world don’t like us, is that not clear... alright. But I’m different, I can’t base what I’m gonna I’m gonna be, off what everybody isn’t.” Those few lines have made a great impact in my life, I mean how dare you judge us (hip hop) when we have icons like Jay-z sitting as equals with highly respected men like Warren Buffet. So be like me and dream big and never let anyone try tell you otherwise!!!!
So without further a due welcome to HI MY NAME IS HIP HOP the _April_ issue.
#Leboo CosMo (follow me on twitter @LebooCosmo)